When Hats Went Out of Style
Back in the mid-twentieth century, when men’s hats went out of style, the folks who made and sold them got a little desperate and some of the ads for hats were just a wee bit odd.
Check out the vintage hat ad below. It’s from the NYC subway, back in the day when subway ads were cutting edge. I suppose this one was aimed at the “girls” in the steno pool on their way to and from work at a time when jobs for women were all clerical and an MRS. was considered more prestigious for a woman than a PhD.
I suppose it made sense at the time, but looking back OMG how patronizing— clearly there weren’t any women in the creative department of the agency that created it.
Wonder where they found those statistics— as in ” 84 out of 100 women prefer a man in a hat”— I mean 84 out of 100? What is THAT about?