Eye On Life Magazine

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doggerel versus
preposefilled words’ current
motion, a twitch of
the switch, crankayank, lever
everwhen whrrrs, the 3rd House

light, dark, semi-sweet
benderblender oiled nay un-
unctuous, geared… like new
wheels to a new wheel, spinning
weave-grinning tapastrys, like

chariotgods in
spoked perpetua, like to
turbopoes Powms, Pombs
revolvicos, round an’ ‘round
fuels of fire, on fire

yearn, burning, learning
as it goes and goes…like a
or mistrals-succubater
doin’ bidding, mechano-

fittings some, on none…
Haroglyphs not not-unlike 
Moll of Flangers v.
the grommet bushings & bores’
piston right wingnuts unscrewed

Simple crankayank
thanks (if’n yer not doin’ yer
job, yer not doin’ yer
job), round an’ ‘round, enjambment
nay injambed, verse-obverse, Powm! 

3rd. House knock-out punch!
‘fore the margonom… Nary
litter box tools lathe
fashion’d doggerel biscuits
dig… toilets machines, too! 


(for ST)