Eye On Life Magazine

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For those in possession of dignity Its own recompense

not solely of the
p’soupers & the signed-on as
Hausflur Zeichen gaud
like sams’ club industry-plied
general store dry goods the

contest’ers & the
poetaste smooth walk like a fly’s
forelegs’ rub without
intent the singularist
art with maph.d’s

creds-creds creds an’ kreds
cloaca’d b’hind the screed
ac’demus remus argot
rebus du jour
cakes bakers

pattie-fakes to books’-
cutter’s delights unbaked dear
me how many fawns
files mou? how many pawns?
seen It see It perpetrate

not moi! an ele-
versor not dumb-wader of
the ‘moral simper-
ative from prof. brad
thru poetaster fox & self-

liturgies of duple
first-namers poet claimers
like ike pappas’
pap with one eye on life pote
popology tragic when

one good gets away’d
objet trouve` olds’ an’ new
majors in minor
less minor majors no less
more jr. fames’ capped & gown’ng

& rote as surgeons
mortar’d & boring the good
christian wiman speaks as
d’gioia to coveted
species of pro craft hobby

specious mfabs’ in deed
bavian popcorn saltless
buttering as wont at
door slams shake their joints’ wonder
of what are we not thinking
