Eye On Life Magazine

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A Wall of Memories

I was naked for my first kiss.
My mother’s lips registered her baby’s love
on a snow-filled December world.
An infant’s wail rang through her tears:
happiness and relief to declare the year
my birth became a memory.

Hopscotch and dolls a fading memory,
Marco cupped my face for an innocent kiss
my altar boyfriend of the year.
Our heart shaped sweets spelled ‘first love.’
Departed from a colorful history of happy tears,
entered an era of short skirts: my high school world.

Books, boys, my bullied bandy-legs world,
a teen’s wild dreams locked in a graffiti memory.
Silence erupted into a hormonal dance of tears,
longed for freedom – sweating for a lingering kiss
stolen moments; do you remember trial love?
Whistled adieu to end my school year.

Exchange of gold bands; a foolhardy year
aware of warring words in our rose-tinted world,
a tower of bubble-bursting champagne love
created two infants locked forever in half a memory.
Your lips were untrue, meeting to face someone new for a kiss.

A fresh start to an unknown life; I wiped away empty tears.
My gold band sees no daylight in a single mother year.
Cherished are two hugs and bedtime stories for a goodnight kiss.
Hungered for change to live in a warmer, southern world
adventures to bloom in our shards of memory -
au revoir home, old village, the friends we did love.

A Turner canvas of seaside life was a dream to love
two young minds grew tall, leaving me with sorry tears
laughter, constant chatter, meals shared now a distant memory
the warm womb that carried me departed in May this year;
a wall of memories remains in today’s changing world.
My mother’s love for me was sealed with a final kiss.

Show the people your love every day in every year.
A split second results in tears when they leave this world.
Your last spoken words are now a memory; do you remember your last kiss?

-- Pascale de Comarmond