Eye On Life Magazine

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Coffeehouse Poem # 21 ( The Barista )

" good girls are just bad girls who never get caught..." mae west

if john hughes were alive
and still making movies
he'd cast her as the "molly ringwald
goody-goody character,"
a nice girl, just rough enough around
the edges to make her
years from now, she'll be a professor
or a professor's wife
and she'll tell you about all the
books she's read
or about her unique worldview
she will not be doomed to
be a worker drone
girls like her are the
reason i caught jungle fever
i just hope she doesn't change
that no matter where she goes
or what she does
her skin stays pure as
the snow outside
that she can quote bronte
or jane austen with a midwestern
and that her smile is always full
of picket fences

-- Erren Geraud Kelly