Eye On Life Magazine

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Feel Like Charlie Brown

sunday morning
and i'm on the ice
trying to keep my balance
i skate around trying to
maintain grace
a jazz piano opens its bloom
from the sound system
today is a stay in bed late morning
or walking around golden gate park
kind of morning
when the last of the fog has lifted
i attempt to write a figure 8
and land on my back
i laugh at myself
feeling like charlie brown
it feels like one of those mornings
when mom's gospel tinged singing
could be heard through the house
along with shouts of
we had a choice of going to church
or going to church
one of us would end up
watching what we wanted on t.v.
another, with the sunday paper
reading about how much the saints
would lose by
or watch snoopy in the comics
do battle with the red baron
mon would get one of us
to zip up her dress
and we always found the magic
to make our good clothes fit
even when it seem like they couldn't
and as we left
smells from kitchen
told us what would be for dinner

-- Erren Geraud Kelly