Eye On Life Magazine

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17,000 is a large number
more intimidating than neighbors
16,999 and 17,001.
It stands apart in fullness
a round number as termed
though the 1 and 7
may take exception
to this gross inaccuracy
of their sharp physiques.

They may wonder at
the pack mentality
of the zeroes
huddled together
in line behind
unsure why they thought
they could tango
with a pair already
suited for such.

Maybe they are stuck-up
imagining they have
more value alone
or together
than a band
of numerals whose sum
stands for naught.

Whatever the case
the breadth of thought
in a man whose lifetime
of mistakes is summed up
in calculation of what
he should have done
enters upon this threshold
and finds hollowness
in the combination
of stark chambers
fronting his reality
of loss.

-- Matthew Schmidt