Eye On Life Magazine

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Grapes in Orange Juice Fruit Cocktail

Red Flame or Tokay grapes have a nice sweet-tart balance, making them perfect for fruit cocktails.​

Red Flame or Tokay grapes have a nice sweet-tart balance, making them perfect for fruit cocktails.​

Cook Time:

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes

  • Cook Time: 0

  • Ready in: 5 minutes

  • Yields: 6 servings


  • California White Grapes (1 cup)
    or any white (green) grapes

  • Red Tokays (2 cup)
    or any red grapes

  • Juicy Oranges (to yield 2 cups juice)
    valencias are best to use

  • Knife for cutting grapes and oranges in half (I just use a paring knife)

  • Glass serving bowls or cups (always serve your fruit cocktails in glass)


While California White Grapes and Red Tokay (aka flame grapes)  are used in this recipe, you can really use any white and red grape combinations you prefer.  I have heard that it may be harder to find Red Tokay grapes since they do contain seeds and are therefor not as popular anymore. However I have personally had luck finding seedless ones.


Rinse the grapes, cut them in halves, and remove any seeds.  Most grapes are seedless, as I've said before, so this saves a lot of hassle. 

Cut your oranges in half and squeeze them to make juice.  Place in the refrigerator until just before serving so the juice stays fresh.  Allow one-third cupful of seeded grapes and one-quarter cupful of orange juice for each glass you'll be serving.  Arrange the grapes in the glass and your orange juice over them.  There really is no need to add sugar, especially since a good fruit cocktail is a bit on the tart side; even so this is naturally sweeter than most fruit cocktails.

​Juicing oranges

​Juicing oranges