Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.



Hey, Pilgrims,
Let’s dress-up
Dress-down the plumes
of the dancing Peacock
(If we’d allow)
but for the Ritual;

For Francly speaking
in tongues of plata y oro,
How much ‘cide this buys?
A simply-uneasy angst to the quest,
Oh, how Corpulent “m.d.’s” -
Which dystrophy Indigene Water - Land -
Identity muscle
Manifest your Destiny! - Trophied.

Lots of time for sargeants,
for unhappy Cherokee rides on trails to tears     
Led from 50,000 years to Discovery? Indeed!
With no reservation
‘cept to enslave the Spirit,
And with tobacco & cotton gotten
from the corn colors of the Earth!

Are the Iroquois/Mohawk/Navajo/Cherokee/Hopi
Thankfully jeeping…?

Don You grisly-now…
Our meleagris gallopavo decapatito,
Strut and march like mute Mummera in the Charade!


Cum Multis Aliis