Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.


Thelma sips her coffee, flicks her cigarette ashes in a tray

Starring out the window thinking, “What another wasteful day.”

The remote control surfs the talk shows, mesmerized by the tube

Believing all the zealots as she stuffs her face with food.


Jason tries to build himself with resume in hand

“No opening this time” they say. “I hope you understand.”

He dons his apron at the diner and starts to scrub the trays

Another fine product of a five year MBA.


Jason struggles home at nine, and Thelma walks right by.

No need to ask about their day, the answer is in their eyes.

They snuggle on their black futon; their faces won’t betray.

The unfortunate prospect of having to face another day.


William Nunez