Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Diving for Pearls

I drove through
three states,
sun in my eyes,
morning heat
on my cheek,
to get there
but one wish
wasn’t granted.

Jewels on the road
paved my way,
one to one
I followed,
dutiful, obedient,
in no rush
because there was time.

It was for me,
no one else,
noise surrounded me,
people stared, glared,
wondered aloud,
but my perfume
was condensed
to a single bottle.

took shape
in the clouds,
a Spanish armada
sailing for England,
guns loaded
for king and queen.
I had my own
questions and concerns
too numerous to ask.

In the blue sky
there is peace,
in the summer breeze
there is comfort,
in the soul of man
there are questions.

-- Christopher Hivner