Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Halloween Images

It’s black at this phantom hour,

but darkness is when you come:

flaunting trickery near a hallowed tree,

spewing uncertainty amidst the obscure haze.


Should hesitation and fear be my guide?

Or do I glance beyond the pretense to grasp

a greater vision: 

for it is there I am sheltered from 

the faceless form by which you muster strength

and snare your aimless victims. 


Shadows devoid of contour

cast upon the wall,

silhouettes gather in assemblages only

minds like yours can see: 

the scent of candy and other sugary delights

labor zealously to mask

your putrid smell.


Tomorrow the sun will triumph

and a call

of Thanksgiving will resound, 

but tonight is yours.  


Cheryl Sommese