Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Nonreciprocal Altruism

Think uncommon.

Reflect on the eternal.

Find the favor returned?

Tit for tat?

Timeless stares the unwary down,
reveals none of its hoary secrets;
irrelevance disguised as epiphany,
irreverence cloaked as compassion-

crocodile tears for the human condition.

Forever lies in wait, finds fools suffered gladly
with its wiles employed solely for the purpose
of seducing the previously sane into prophesy
as a self serving and largely propagational


Truth is clutched to an ancient bosom reluctant
to part with anything of genuine merit,
often confused with wisdom when properly ignored
by children of common knowledge while

ass-biting prophets into lunacy.

A particle of revelation occasionally tossed out
becomes a juicy quote destined to make or break
a species more enamored of pretty words
than of sanity desperately needed for true


Tit for tat?

Find the favor returned?

Reflect on the eternal.

Think uncommon.

— Bibelot