Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.


I sympathize with her plight

For I too know how it feels to exist
As a square peg in a round world
One in which the “takers” have inhabited the Earth
Both givers by birth, our heads were left pounding as they immediately began to butt
Something had to give
So with some reluctance, I settled into the role of “taker” like an undercover cop turned junkie

Someone once told me that a relationship is like two glasses of water
When one individual’s glass is low the other pours some of their water, replenishing the glass
That rarely if ever would they be even
In all likelihood someone’s glass would always have more
I took it with a grain of salt
For at that stage I was a feeling bit parched

My idealistic side tells me that when the time arrives
And her levels begin to wane like the tides
That without a blink I will pour every last drop
But as a musician by trade I am acutely aware
that when struck by spoon my glass begins to resonate more deeply
The more it is filled

So to her, I can only offer apologies
Although you should question the sincerity as it primarily stems from guilt
I know it’s not her fault that like an alcoholic I’ve bounced from one glass to the next
Wondering when it would be my time
To be selfish

by Christopher Shawn Barker