Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

The Friars Of St. Joseph

Used to walk around in leather

earthen crewel powdering flagstones

diseased traffic

exchanging whispers


They had a rectory garden

shaped like the olde cross

with helices emanating 

from its prismatic centre


Unpainted benches

intimate a frangible diadem

-lolled neath spires of auburn and jade


The church bell’s terse, metered prose

beyond rumpled wainscoting 

deciduous flora

mouthed in a turbulence of chimes

held the ear as if by fetters


Darning Time round their lone orbit

hemming the quilted grass

advancing in pairs

robed men trace

gullies of iron


From blithe hollows

whom eulogize the Earth

with tremulous ablutions

unspoken murals

invoke ebullient hermitage


They pass among sophic boughs

mantic spines of luminosity


They graze demurely

chiding the lascivious heat

guided by song.


— Jason Alan Wilkinson