Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Claudine Nash

Claudine Nash lives and writes in New York. She obtained a B.A. in English from Wesleyan University and later went on to obtain two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in the social sciences. She published poetry in the early nineties before taking a hiatus from literary writing to focus on a career working in public health institutions.  Having returned to writing, she enjoys infusing her work with images from science and psychology, processes which she has always found poetic in and of themselves.
Some of her recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Avalon Literary Review, The Westchester Review, Star*Line, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine,  The MOON magazine and PKA’s Advocate.

Read Claudine's poetry: 

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