Nina Sokol
Nina Sokol is a poet and translator. She holds a Master’s degree in English from Copenhagen University. Her poems have been translated from English to Danish by Danish writer Niels Svarre Nielsen for publication in the near future, and she was poet-in-residence at The Vermont Studio Center for four weeks this past April. Most recently Nina received a grant from the Danish Arts Council to translate several modern Danish plays from Danish to English.
Nina’s poems received honorable mention in The Emily Dickinson Award for Poetry competition, have appeared in the anthology "The Write Stuff" and most recently in "Ardent: A Journal of Poetry and Art", “Nite Writers International Literary Arts Journal” and “Convergence.”
In her poems, Nina enjoys exploring the notion of gravity and how it affects our lives here on earth as opposed to the gravitational pull found on other planets, an interest to which, she has discovered, she always returns.
It is our pleasure to feature her work here at Eye On Life.
Read Nina's poetry: