Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Tony Zurlo

“Dali’s Clock, Schrodinger’s Cat, and a Set of Dice” is from a collection of poems titled Quantum Chaos that Tony is writing based on his fascination with, but ignorance of Quantum theory and cosmology.

Tony’s poems, fiction, and essays have appeared in more than a hundred print and online journals and newspapers. He has two poems coming out in the spring: “Missing in Action,” Mayo Review. (May 2010) and “Old Ba and Seven Billion Universes,” Ardent (April 2010).  He recently has published the following poetry: “The Eclipse.” New Verse News. 10 January 2010; “The Man Who Would Be Me.” OASIS Journal. 2009.

“Quantum Chaos.” Mobius, The Poetry Magazine 24 (November 2009): 17. “Inauguration poem.” The November 3rd Club Journal. Spring 2009 and in the North Texas Progressive Newsletter. 26 January 2009 & North Texas Progressive Blog. 23 January 2009; “Poet’s Bio.” DiVerseCity Anthology. Austin: Austin Poets International Inc, 2009.

His book of poems about China, The Mind Dancing, Art by Vivian Lu, was published in 2009 by Plain View Press.

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