Eye On Life Magazine

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Chris Grasso

Continuing with our tradition of showcasing newly emerging poets, we are proud to welcome Chris Grasso as a Featured Poet on Eye On Life Online Magazine.   Chris executes his work in broad brush strokes taken from the palette of the American cultural pulse, classic myth and the world at large.  

ChrisGrassograduated from New York University in 1999 with a BFA in Film/TV. The diplomas were dispensed much the way toilet paper can be easily ripped from the roll. After diving for cover from the un-paying, cut-throat industry known as ‘Film Production’, he found a horrible, low-paying job taking construction photos (horrible because heights are not his thing). 

For the last 10 years he’s wiped countless preschoolers’ noses and tied their shoes right before he takes their portraits. He’s owned his own business doing this for 6 years. It’s much safer than dangling under the Brooklyn Bridge with no edge or rail to hold on to.

Read Chris Grasso’s Poetry:  

 Click here for Chris Grasso’s portrait photography web site.