Eye On Life Magazine

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Poetry at the Cantab Lounge - Cambridge

It was my pleasure once again to attend the poetry hat trick in the basement of the Cantab Lounge in the Peoples Republic of Cambridge last night:  open mic followed by featured poet followed by poetry slam.  I arrived too late to read for open mic, but enjoyed those who read.  I’ll be sure and let you know when I’m going to be there next time.  If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by.  

The featured poet was David Winter, once a regular at the Cantab.  His unique, focused delivery was mesmerizing.  He has a presence that commands your attention.  I highly recommend coming out to see him if he is reading in your area.  I’m hoping he sends a work or two our way, here at Eye On Life.  

Later, I was one of three judges for the slam.  It was a pleasure to hear such talented poets.  Runner up in the competition, Angel Aviles, is a very animated, focused and moving poet.  We’ll be looking to hear more from him in the future.  Sam Teitel, the winner, will advance to the World Qualifier Finals next week at the Cantab, when nine poets will compete to represent the Cantab at the Individual World Poetry Slam this October.  More on that later :) 

Sam Teitel has an incredible knack for combining deeply touching storytelling with hilarious humor.  I am eager to see what he does next week.