Eye On Life Magazine

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The Summer of the Big Floppy Hat

It’s been the summer of the big floppy  hat and nobody carries off the  look better than J-Lo. 
For starters she has the height and the right shaped face to wear big hats, but she also has that indifinable panache that pulls it all together. Doesn’t she look great?

But Jennifer Lopez isn’t the only one— not by a long shot.  Celebs have gone big and floppy in this hot hot summer heat.  The heat has been bad but the hats have been fabulous.  Here are a few more examples of celebrity floppy chapeaux to feast your eyes on.

This one, of actress, Kim Cantrell, on the set of Sex and the City has been all over the internet but I still love it.  Kim takes big and floppy to a fabulous fashion extreme.  I just hope she never has to wear that thing on a windy day. 

Hey, did Vanessa Hudgens borrow J-Lo’s hat?  It looks great on her too:-)



Could Kate Hudson look any more fabulous?  Big hats and big earrings just seem to go together.


Big floppy straw hats—I love ‘em  and what a great way to keep cool and look great, even if you aren’t a celeb and don’t  look like J-Lo or Kate.

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