Eye On Life Magazine

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the imitation
trees magis verus, of piney
timed & tines spined just
so no needles to tread, dread-
not little Zhu-Zhu’s, none thrown

to the cabbagepatch
this, you’ll see China…  But home-
boy? parbaby’s been
carted from the caddylack -                  
bruised & scrapped…  No-no, I got

I’ capped, why It’ll
take the teeth right offa’ me
no Diamondalle this
but (coltrhearted) love supreme
in the name of love, the ‘house

on the finger’ c’mon
forget yer troubles c’mon &
get happy…that chunk-
o’-diamond on your hand is
a fortune, baby but you’ll

know It stands…’for a 
placapatron, you see me iron
the apron? rented?
bought? the wedge driven between
the houses on the fingers

will remind, a crass
weighted memorabilian
infidelia, like
that wemmed 9-iron face, our
unshibboleth…  chauv

designated drive-
err, wrecked…kobi-kobe (‘he
who supplants’), tokens,
of where’s the tiger sleeping
tonight-tonight’ll be like

any night on the
west side of your story, oh
glory mellowking 
not a reward!, bored am I
boringyou, bearing…buy-bye.

tinsel continues
to fall, this is the winter
of our malcontent
disquiet’ng little children
asking does China observe

Xmas?  the icon
like the false prophet suited
plenaryday, yet
Oh!, we mimicry…China
celebrates Xmas, he makes

the crap!  Spend-Spend-$pend
that house of the ‘vowprayerie
& Yule be sorry!




(Sarcalogos Balatros)