Eye On Life Magazine

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Four Quarters

From one ovum, armadillos produce
four genetically identical offspring
representing the four corners of the Earth

The armadillo’s origin
was Latino and Pacific
and making her slow way
she populated the East
all the way to Florida

but Cold has blocked her way north
She can go no further than
Nebraska and Kansas

She waits for Global Warming
to further open the door
Her ambition is to sleep
in Minneapolis
and a constellation of points
in Canada
including the Yukon

Meanwhile her current geo-limits frustrate
create spiritual tension within her
Nature demands groups of four
North must not evade her

There is sexual tension as well
You can see it in her gait
in the way she eats fire ants

The Four Siblings
also represent the Father Son Holy Ghost
and Holy Criminal

Armadillos gather on the steps
of the Catholic Church
seeking confession
and absolution

but no priest will serve them
No priest will offer them salvation

even now that Francis is Pope
Francis who preached to birds
and creatures of all kinds

-- Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois