Eye On Life Magazine

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Naming of Hops

(July 30, 2009) 

Today there will be naming of hops.
Today they’ll have a beer outside 
the oval office of the White House.
Likewise our planet rotates with an oval orbit 
around the sun of no determinate God,
whose purity and innocence informs 
the white bars on the American flag.
Today President Obama, Professor Gates 
and Officer Crowley will have a beer
without discriminatory roots.
Vice-President Biden will grab a Buckler
and ward off journalistic gibes. 
The President will have a Bud Lite. 
Just so, cherry blossoms bud lightly near 
the President’s office, and all around 
the grounds of the White House. 
And today there will be naming of hops.
The professor wanted a Red Stripe.
Indeed red stripes emblazon the American flag 
with the hardiness and valor of patriots 
who fought to make this country free,
with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
But, fermenting, with true revolutionary fervor,
he settled on a Boston-based Samuel Adams. 
So today there will be naming of hops.
And four men will bond with beer outside the oval office.
The officer in blue will have a Blue Moon.
Indeed blue is the color of justice, perseverance
and vigilance; and upon this cerulean hue, 
the stars representing our states are fixed,
as in the celestial spheres. It’s the color 
of sad, chromatic notes, flat as the moon
rising over the jazzy circuits that light 
the music scenes of America like dancing stars. 
For today there will be naming of hops,
fermented in a brew of friendship and hope. 

Frank De Canio