Eye On Life Magazine

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Just sitting here
under the shade of
the red maple tree
wishing all was plain and simple
like the way it used to be
although I guess it
never really was simple
now was it?

Just sitting here
I remember
the way you used to push me around
nights you’d come home drunk
oh, how I loved you
or did I?
maybe I was too scared
to think otherwise.

With your hands around my neck
so close to me
I could feel your breath
upon my cheeks
and the sweet smell of whisky
tickling my nostrils
could you see the excitement
in my eyes?

Your clutch hastened
as your hands moved downward
my heart beating faster
anticipating what would come next
as we made love
or was it war?
just sitting here under
the red maple tree
I remember…………

-- Cindy O'Nanski