Eye On Life Magazine

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Why Take It Out On Cupid?

Why take it out on Cupid?
you know 
what I mean
he’s just a kid
who came up 
with a
clever idea.
a way to say
I love you
for those
who just can’t admit
that they do
hearts are
but yet have
to fake it
with candy and flowers
and say
in rhyme
just one more time
what they cannot say
out loud
you know the ones
who sit and stare
at the box
in their chair
till snow fills up
the screen
who come home late
and lick the plate
left warming
for hours
on the stove
go ahead 
it’s just once
that’s what cupid
was thinking
let them shower you
with candy
and flowers
feel sorry for those
who cannot
their inner most
with ease 
Nancy Hinchliff