Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Big Bet at an Old-Timers' Card Game

The morning paper says
Debbie Reynolds is 82.

Sixty years ago, the little doll
married Eddie Fisher,

balladeer back in our time.
Remember, Eddie dumped Debbie

and married Liz Taylor who
put the oomph in technicolor.

Then Liz dumped Eddie
and married Michael Todd,

the aging movie mogul.
Todd died in a plane crash

and Fisher's dead now, too.
So's the beautiful Ms. Taylor.

Tell me this before you deal again:
When Debbie gets her obit

which of us, and I'll take bets,
will be around to read it.

-- Donal Mahoney


Today Turtles

Today turtles were my favorite animal,
their shells my hiding place,
a shelter from human flesh,
loud noises and
my thoughts about everything.

Yesterday I was fond of rogue elephants
and their unpredictable power
to make people afraid,
cause the ground to shake
and be oblivious to the destruction.

I have never liked oysters,
holding onto their prize
like a spoiled child
so you have to take it by force
and then consume them as bounty.

Wolves are the perfect animal,
strong, bold and fearless.
If they were people
we'd shake their hand
instead of shooting them.

In my front yard I sit,
no shell, no power,
no prize to protect.
I'd shake your hand
but I'm afraid.

-- Christopher Hivner 

Diving for Pearls

I drove through
three states,
sun in my eyes,
morning heat
on my cheek,
to get there
but one wish
wasn’t granted.

Jewels on the road
paved my way,
one to one
I followed,
dutiful, obedient,
in no rush
because there was time.

It was for me,
no one else,
noise surrounded me,
people stared, glared,
wondered aloud,
but my perfume
was condensed
to a single bottle.

took shape
in the clouds,
a Spanish armada
sailing for England,
guns loaded
for king and queen.
I had my own
questions and concerns
too numerous to ask.

In the blue sky
there is peace,
in the summer breeze
there is comfort,
in the soul of man
there are questions.

-- Christopher Hivner


The calendar blocks
stared back at me
like five rows of teeth
chattering in my ears
about days I’ve lost,
time I’ve wasted.
The “O” in October
snaked out to me
like an accusing tongue
and the other letters
shook their heads.
Only one day remains
in the tenth month,
then I can turn the page.
Maybe November
won’t be so judgmental.

-- Christopher Hivner

Taleless path…

The tailless squirrel is in the barren apple tree again. I keep thinking it is time to prune. I should have removed the remaining rotting apples from the branches months ago. Too much family drama kept me away. Mister Tailless Squirrel appears content munching on the thawing mushy husks. This winter feels never ending. Perhaps spring's renewal will charge the world with regeneration. Restoration of energy for one. Revival of hope for another. A life anew without need for worry, regret, sadness. Perhaps love. Can the mushy husk of a frozen heart thaw? Spring's rebirth cannot reverse years of rot. Nature takes over and rot composts to feed change.

-- Nina Longfield

Wish you were here…

Good-bye… Good-bye, I said
Send me a post card
Something sunny and fun
An image evocative
Of wanderlust
Maybe sepia in tone
In remembrance of great exploration
Send it to me in the dreary cold north
Stamped with postage from far away

But you won't
There may be an email with pictures attached
But it's not the same
Travel no longer is the same
Too much is known before the destination is reached
It leads to disappointment
Things don't work out the way we imagine…
There is no mystery
No romance in discovery
We expect too much
And achieve nothing

-- Nina Longfield

Gripped in grayness…

There is a man in the clouds
See him watching
scowls often
fades to gray
Disintegrating with the west wind
he is no more, yet everywhere
scatters hither and thither
with showers
neither caring nor callous
just existing
coming back around
to Watch
no judgment
then dissipating again

And the sun is covered by darkening clouds
a chill has set in
all is quiet
no breeze rouses the majestic evergreens
a Storm is coming…
to scour the land and air
Sometimes too much
creating and recreating the earth anew

-- Nina Longfield

An Incorrigible Night

Having unconsciously soldiered
through an incorrigible night,
I was jarred awake by birds

indulging in a range of dirge-like
melodies. That morning had been
engineered with ease; the sun’s

dimmed-halogen glow had merged
seamlessly with the misty foliage
of surrounding woodlands. I drifted

through the day lethargically—
I passed through doors with rusted
hinges. The wars I waged against

my urge to sleep were savage
and drudged on and on until
the rigidity of night arrived once again.

-- M. Drew Williams


She is learning to breathe underwater.
Second by swallowed second,
her sponge lungs are hardening.
Drying out inside her rib cage.
She’s already chosen the knife
to carve the anemone gills she’ll need.
One of these mornings
she’ll dip the blade in
and slash herself into
a deep-sea creature.


-- Valentina Cano


It’s all about gladness
while the stinkweed
keeps right on stinkin’
and being stinkweed
and the skunk cabbage
trundles on and on
as skunk cabbage

We have always held
the pathways of earth
in our cupped palms,
passed from one
magician and acolyte
to the next without 
a drop of being lost.

-- Ayaz Daryl Nielsen