Eye On Life Magazine

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Charlee Redman: The Blues

Originally from the little town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Charlee is currently working towards bachelor’s degrees in English and French from Penn State University. Since after twenty years she still hasn’t escaped Pennsylvania, the state and its landscapes tend to creep up in her writing (hence “The Blues”). Charlee spends a lot of time with her lovely friends from Problem Child Literary Magazine, of which she is a member and contributor, and writing reviews of local music for WPSU’s blog Blue Robot. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, walking, listening to music, being with her friends, and drinking absurd amounts of coffee. On occasion, she also likes to make noise on her guitar with her friends in the amateur post-folk band The Roaring Kittens. More of her poetry can be found on her blog, Scribbles.

Read Charlee Redman’s poem, The Blues