Eye On Life Magazine

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Frank De Canio

“I was born & bred in New Jersey, work in New York. I love music of all kinds, from Bach to Dory Previn, Amy Beach to Amy Winehouse, World Music, Latin, opera. Shakespeare is my consolation, writing my hobby. I like Dylan Thomas, Keats, Wallace Stevens, Frost , Ginsburg, and Sylvia Plath.”

Frank De Canio has been published in over a 100 magazines (and/or e-zines) including Danger, Pleiades, Genie, Write On!!, Red Owl, Nuthouse, Love‘s Chance, Words of Wisdom, Rook publishing, Illogical Muse, Writer’s Journal, The Lyric, Free Lunch, Art Times, Pearl; Hazmat, Medicinal Purposes, Blue Unicorn and Ship of Fools, Raintown Review, and others pending.  On the web on POETZ, Contemporary Rhyme, Language and Culture, and Thick with Conviction

Read Frank De Canio’s poetry at Eye On Life: