Eye On Life Magazine

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Humbug Holiday Poetry Contest Winners

Competition was fierce for the bag of humbug candy that was the first prize for this impromptu contest.  Several poets produced surprisingly deep and meaningful work, several wrote poems to touch the heart and several others took a lighter look at the poetic side of our winter holidays.  My thanks to all who answered my call for twisted Christmas (or other winter holiday) poetry and participated so valiantly on such short notice.  I find it most interesting that instead of twisted poetry I got poetry with a twist.    

Following are the winners:  

I will publish several more poems like these over the next few days in celebration of the Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and any other winter holidays I may have missed.  

Thanks to all the poets who participated.  I wish everyone happy holidays and a new year filled with love, laughter and abundance.  

Bah.  Humbug.  :)