Eye On Life Magazine

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Jon Wesick

“Much like Woody Allen’s Zelig, my face appears in photographs from Zen centers, martial arts dojos, nuclear physics labs, and cities all over the world. I hope I’ve passed on some of what I’ve learned in the more than two hundred poems I’ve published in journals such as Pearl, Pudding, Slipstream, The New Orphic Review, Iconoclast, Asinine Poetry, Cherry Blossom Review, Colere, Edgz, The Magee Park Anthology, Mannequin Envy, Midway Journal, The New Verse News, Pirene’s Fountain, Plain Spoke, Raving Dove, R-KV-R-Y, The San Diego Poetry Annual, Still Crazy, Straylight, Sunken Lines, Tidepools,and Urthona. My chapbooks have won honorable mentions twice in the San Diego Book Awards. My poem, “Bread and Circuses,” won second place in the 2007 African American Writers and Artists contest.” 

Read Jon’s Poetry:  

 You can find Jon’s work elsewhere online at the following locations (by category):