Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

The Art of The Hat

Georgia artist, Margaret Warfield, created  this wonderful piece called ” It Is All About the Hat.”


Warfield has an impressive resume and an even more impressive artistic vision.  Here’s a quote  to whet your appetite:

I like to think of myself as an artistic communicator, wishing to transform and extend perception and stimulate views toward new insights and expressions. All my paintings contain elements of hope and love. Art is a language, it’s purpose is to open a dialogue between the art and the viewer, touching an emotion, remembering a moment from their past or simply bringing a smile to the faces of the audience.

I combine all of my roles and visions as I begin each new piece of art. What emerges is the artistic gift that I share using color, texture, patterns and composition… Creating “Art That Touches The Soul” is my desire.

 She surely does know how to touch the soul.  Her vibrant, acrylics on paper  do just that.  To see more go here  and here 

 In some ways, life, art, and creativity really ARE all about the hat, dontchathink?