Eye On Life Magazine

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- ANTHEM 234 -

Note: It ain’t “Dave” (Reitman: Kevin-Sigourney-Frank-Ben. ..), nor “Bulworth”, even…) - H’H.

As Easy as 2-

3-4, Gangers!   the skywrite

blaised   Come Celebrate


slated hoot for yu, yoo, yhue,


& nancies’ two, a-                   

shootin’-off-the-works, awatch

to the thousand pointings…

lights, cameras…uh, pod’n me

would you mind…with the backdrop


of…thanks (not even

Santa!)  Yes!  On the 4th. day

of the 7th. month

in the noisome nearly-Tri-

spentennial, a day for


all sparkillers t’

Sanctify:  Nat’l Grill

An Animal Day

honoring ONE TRILLION for

War (almost the dead, that) weight,


criminal bail-out$

(felonslick gains highfed riggs),

oiled shores (SPF-

234), hyperdkids, Grade-A-Prime

budget cuts (all


grilled out!), Rip-Rop hounds,   

illness insurance, pizza,

Splenda (sweeter than      

insul’n), lost oxygen,

kitsch, Chinese drywall, Empyre!!…


Woodyalong on   

Route 666 ‘cross divide

your land, our land, howl-

and THEIR LAND not made for you

or yu or yoo or me or


yhu hailing wall-eyed

Americisms - Sell-Sell-


Foreclosures & more…  Toy Store,

romcoms (sandbox Sandler), O’-


besity (coming

to ab domen near to yoo),

Championships (a

sale in every flavor!), sports

bevs (slick colors!), Roundup!, beer…


& how to be The

World’s Most Interesting Man?

as minds & bodies

devolve by/for a cast of

a dozen, & riant youu up


at The Lake, down on

the farm, the bottom of the

pond…rigged like shadow

budgets’ march to Corpwars, yu

rev’ling into the dinsome




(weather’ll be fixed) qool!,

like the 6-Pak with a 12-

Pak Activation Window


It’s Summertime-Sum-


beachplay, clime supine

at the deepend (please shower 

before…) chlorine wash, eyeballs


redded like Mirdth’s gobbed

marsh, the hon’moon’s been over

like the Iroquois

nye-agra thunder-water

straits gushing, gushing…gushing


‘til Morlde depletes her

blooded golden shower, the

Mother Load shot &

shat…  as Nucular Mtn.

& Coal Crypts cough’n-on the


qool, 3D/HD-

30-40 Plasma - rife

peril in the Gulf

whitecola de pecado

en mierda, but deeper


water’s horizon…

It’s Summertime-Summertime-


country-fried American 

Spectac-U-Lar Waterburn-

234 actively


made from REAL plastic

toys R US!, chilled-out-grilled-out

Karmaites sparkillers’

immolating shootin’-off

their charcoal-fired woiks, for


the Copa! Copa!

as Mirdth Copa Mundial’s…


LeBron LeBrennan’s



Ursus Maritimus d’luves,

slick-ery as WD-40+…





