Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Gun Control

Went down to Dick's
Sporting Goods to buy:
basketball for my son,
running shoes for my wife,
Browning A-Bolt Composite
Stalker Centerfire Rifle-
GM442876 to kill myself.

Easy to buy the gun:
desk clerk was on the phone
but a nice 'thumbs-up',
out the door quick and
easy---played it r-e-a-l
c-o-o-l -- -ball and shoes will
make nice going away presents.

Just can't take the
hallucinations anymore:
down in the abyss --- like
jack hammers to my brain,
go to bed and wake up crying,
Canceled my appointment
with my psychiatrist---the
receptionist is strange,
I think she might be crazy.

It's not my fault though ---
although I know you think it is:
It's those demons who masquerade
as school children down at
the elementary school,
And the caterpillars crawling
out of the chicken soup that
slowly eat my brain,

If they just would all go away, now---
that's all I need,
Just LEAVE---and I told the cook
to stop eating my brain---but
I think he's actually one of them.

The Next Day:
You know, I've been
thinking, thinking hard,
thinking a lot, thinking
long and hard. I think I'll
go down to the school,
use the rifle to fix some
of the 'kids' -- -because I
think we all really know who
they actually are anyway.

-- Gil Hoy