Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Her Silenced Song

She seems to speak aloud,
Aloud so high pitched
It’s a constant ring in my ears,
A tune in my head,
A tune that stays stuck,
Stuck in my head,
So loud I feel I sweat it,
My heart pumps fast,
I sweat as it pumps faster,
She seems to pore out my pores,
As her tune beats with my beat,
It is similar to my heart beat,
Is her beat the same as my beat?
My sweat the same as her sweat?
I don’t know but I do know
She seems to speak aloud,
Aloud to me is what I hear,
Aloud to me is what I feel,
Aloud to me not with her voice,
But with her presence so soft,
Like her lips I feel,
She speaks to me aloud,
Even when she is silent,
Her silence is perfection,
Perfection is her,
Her perfection is her,
Stirring in my heart,
My heart beats to her,
It’s beating to her vibe,
Her vibe that’s in no need of her voice,
A voice that stays silent,
A soul in which coincides with my soul,
A soul that is no more a soul,
A soul that is no more alone,
My soul which is now our soul,
Bestowed upon me I am proud,
Proud to live with
And proud to die for,
No more does my heart
Beat alone by itself,
So with her tune in my heart,
It creates a tune that makes sense,
A sense that is heard,
A sense that cannot be silenced,
So that we may seem to speak aloud.


By Brandom White