Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Startled as Springboard

Startled as Springboard

By Saloni Kaul


A glass walled chapel so unique in rock and wood,

Deft latticed skeleton leaps into tree-branched sky,

Aspiring in forest-screened tongued darkness high

Like long forgotten promises, forgotten good.

How long have you sighed there, how long there stood?


We stumble tearing on you in transfixed delight --

Delight of lovers longing to be somewhere lost --

Yet signs of former civilization sparked at what cost,

All that dart leaping dancing stained glass light

Stirs deeply us as boisterous wind the night.


Even this Bonaparte Gull's exploratory

Mild acrobatics veering in bring smiles in face of fright,

As lonely your thawed lofty look of might

All miracles converges for all to see laudatory;

E pluribus unum* , one from many's conciliatory.

(*out of plurality, oneness)


These Pennsylvania hills still sing your hymns,

Recorded, saved by every nourished bird and tree

Afloat on blue tract meadowed lea;

We take your leave as slow the red waning light dims,

All o'er the open muskeg by woodland lakes' rims.