Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Waiting Room

Guys never get good at all this, especially here
At the Breast Care Center; it’s hard to pretend
To read old magazines, recipes they’ll never try,
Fashions so old, almost out of fashion, already;
It’s hard to stare without staring at anything in
Particular, at the women, at the couples coming
And going; time passes so slowly when you‘re not
Alone in this waiting, she’s there with you, it’s her
Turn, it’s her health, things beyond your control,
Things that appear as shadows, the slightest shade
Of difference on film, tracked by an ultra sound,
Then biopsied; it becomes all a matter of waiting
Like this; so much depends on outcomes beyond
Your control, so it becomes this waiting, time spent
To hold your breath, try to read, try not to stare, and
Try, most of all, not to look as frightened as you are.

-- J.K. Durick