Yellow Wedding Bouquets and Boutonnieres
Yellow flowered bridal bouquets and boutonnieres are not as popular at weddings as, say, pink, white, lavender. I can not think of a good reason for this, but I can say that I do love yellow best and here is why it's really the best choice for a wedding.
From soft yellows to bold yellows, yellow is a bright and happy color that sets the perfect tone for a wedding. It represents a bright and sunny future. Yellow flowers say that smiles are in store, and that the close friendship of the couple will last, which gives the bride and groom very good chances for a successful marriage. And most of all, there is a confidence that exudes with yellow that you don't get with other colors.
To me, a yellow flowered bridal bouquet with matching boutonniere speaks volumes about the couple. It says, "We're going into our marriage looking at the bright side of life. No matter how hard things get, we'll work together and make it through." Yellow bouquets and boutonnieres say, "I'm marrying my best friend." That "This day, this life, is about us, not you or me or them, but the two of us, together . Happy. To the end of our days."
yellowish off-white large bloom flowers with tints of purple and pink with yellow pollen centers
source Marigold boutonniere. So simple, so Gorge!
Sunflower bouquet
source yellows work perfectly with delicate ferns
The other great thing about sunflowers is that your wedding bands can fit perfectly on their cushiony centers.