Anne Walker Studios Jewelry Inspired by Alexander Caldwell Works of Art
Some people say that life inspires art. Others say that art inspires life. I think that both are true. But when art inspires art, that is a conversation starter for me.
Jewelry Designer, Anne Walker
Anne Walker, of Anne Walker Studio, creates jewelry that is inspired by both life, and art. In fact, her jewelry is fine art. It begs to be admired, stared at, touched, worn, and yes, to be talked about. She works primarily with silver, occasionally copper and other metals, and even more rarely stones for color, so the work that goes behind each piece is demanding. One would never think such elegant beauty was ever blow torched or pummeled into shape with hammers.
When in July the Etsy Metal team asked members to create a piece of jewelry inspired by Alexander Calder as their monthly theme, Anne was thrilled. Not only did she accept the challenge, but she had two pieces to feature in their August 1st blog: a pendant, inspired by Calder's painting "untitled", and a pair of earrings inspired by one of Calder's mobiles "International Mobile".
Our favorite artistic inspirations inspire creations more than we think. On the one hand, people often compare creatives with other creatives. Think about how often writers, for example, are asked, "Who inspires your writing?" As humans, we crave comparisons, and likeness, and we feel we know a lot about a person once we do.
Sometimes, though, when an artist creates something that was inspired by another artist, it is not necessarily a means of simulating them, it is a way of paying homage and appreciation. It speaks of how very much another's art has moved him or her emotionally, mentally, spiritually, technically, and millions of other ways. Finding inspiration in others' work not only challenges the new creator, it ultimately brings an intimacy to pieces that can't be had without that connection. It's like the perfect sequel to the perfect book. That's what I see in Anne Walker's designs. And I want want want!