Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Eye On Life Poetry Contest 2010-2011

  • First Prize:  $100
  • Second Prize $50

Entries accepted November 15st, 2010 through January 31st, 2011.  Winners announced in February, 2011.  See contest rules below: 

Entry fee:  $1 per poem, payable in U.S. Dollars by check or money order payable to Tom Rubenoff

  • No entry fees will be refunded
  •  Submit up to 5 poems
  •  Poems can be any style, no more than 400 words
  •  Poems must be original, previously unpublished

Mail entries with entry fees to:  

Eye on Life Poetry Contest 
c/o Tom Rubenoff, Poetry Editor 
P.O. Box 35457 
Brighton, MA 02135 

  • No poems submitted to this competition will be returned
  • No entries will be accepted without payment
  • No online entries will be accepted.  Submit entries by mail only. 

The top five poems will be published at Eye On Life Online Magazine.  Honorable mentions may be given as well.  

Other prizes may be announced.  If you would like to donate a prize to the Eye On Life Poetry Contest, please email tomr@rubecom.us