Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Herta Müller

Her poetry is hard to find. 

The first thing that struck me as I sought to acquaint myself with the poetry of Herta Müller, 2009 Nobel Prize-winning poet and novelist, was the lack of her work available in English translation.  A search on the web catalog of my local public library consortium, the Minuteman Library Network,  http://www.mln.lib.ma.us/ , serving the greater Boston area, yielded a scant 8 books, no poetry, for this world renowned poet who has been translated into 20 languages.  My Amazon search proved slightly more fruitful, producing several non-English titles and some collaborative work in English:  novels, essays, mentions in profiles of German writers and written contributions to a book of photographs of Romanian children living with HIV-AIDS, entitled, Children Of Ceausescu.   I may be ordering this to see if her contribution to this work is poetry or prose.  Checking my local bookstore did not produce any better results.  Their website says that publishers are rushing back to the printers to hurriedly get her works back in print.   

Rest assured, I will find her poetry someplace.  If you can help me out, please do.  Thanks!