Eye On Life Magazine

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Silence of the Iambs

Iambs - you know, the poetic accent on the second syllable, as in Iambic Pentameter?  Known as a poetic foot.   Yes, that's right.  As in, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"  You get the picture.  Also "The money's on the dresser: you can go."  Different idea, same foot.  One might say the second one got off on the wrong foot, but be that as it may. 

Since free verse has reigned lo these last several decades, many of which I have witnessed first hand - too many, some may say - the iamb has been relatively silent.  Therefore one can speak of the relative 'silence of the iambs' if one so chooses.   

Lest you think that I brought you here strictly to witness me being light on my poetic feet (or not), first I'd like to thank you for coming, and second I'd like to invite you to read some real poetry at Poetry Unlocked here at Eye On Life.  Nice, fresh stuff up this week and last.  Cheers.