Eye On Life Magazine

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Zaphron Richardson

Sharing a small three bedroom house with a brother, two sisters, a mom, a dad, and pets, Zaphron Richardson often chose to immerse himself in a good book to get away from the hectic events of everyday life as a child. He owes much of his writing skill to his experience in reading advanced text from a very young age. “With mother having a degree in literature, and dad an adept reader himself, there were a lot of pretty interesting books in our home library.”

Zaphron began writing poetry in Middle School and has since considered it a discovered aptitude of his, in his search of creative outlets for expression. He has poetry published in his school magazine, The MRH Literary Magazine, and has also read his poetry at a school literature assembly.

We look forward to more work from a poet whose work already shows depth of character and glimpses of fine craftsmanship while the path of his career as a poet yet stretches toward unguessable horizons. 

Read Zaphron's poetry: