Eye On Life Magazine

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Hats Off to Tea Party Fashionistas

This is not about politics. It’s about hats.  More specifically it’s about the fashion statement made by the hats worn at events organized by the  Tea Party movement all over the United States.  Personally, I find the look kind of funny and silly in a down home sort of way.  What do you think?

Here’s what a quick Google search turned up.  I really looked for young, hip, people of diverse backgrounds to round out my tea party scrapbook.  They are rarer than hen’s teeth.  I did my best— honest. This was the hippest crowd I could find, which says something about the fashion statement as well as the movement.  Let me know if you come across any gems that I have missed OK?  Just put a link in the comments section.

Serious Western hat and a serious, don’t mess with me  guy. Notice how those teabags are stapled in a precise and orderly manner. How much do you want to bet that this is an ex military guy

source: The Trades.com
This guy is more laid back—two or three teabags tacked onto his tractor hat at a jaunty angle. And check out that five o’clock shadow. Definitely not a good grooming freak
OK, it’s a retro Dick Tracy look for the hat and the teabags— but check out the fashion forward glasses. They are pretty cool.  The teabags just look silly.
covered in teabags— eyes covered too. What kind of statement is that?
 No soft cuddlies here. I bet she is a spare the rod and spoil the child kinda lady who doesn’t take kindly to frivolity and jokes.  Not gonna explain to her what teabagging means— nooooooo sirreeeee.

And here’s one last one I’ve included not for the hat, but for the whole ensemble and the sign she’s carrying.  Her outfit is enough to send shivers down a few spines but the sign is wonderful.  Maybe she is hipper than she looks— you never know:-)
I think I agree with Bill Maher. The teaparty folks are right about the fact that we have to bring down the deficit, but running around in silly hats is no way to do it.  Oh well, hats off to the tea party fashionistas anyway. The teabag trimmed hat is a look that is fast becoming a fashion icon in some quarters.