Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Lady Gaga Has an Eye for Hats

Lady Gaga hat made entirely from her own hair.  Lady Gaga sported this one recently in Las Vegas, at the Consumer Electronics Show where Polaroid announced her as their chief creative officer. Fabulous!


Lady Gaga in a Hussein Chalayan Hat from the spring 2010 collection used for the Lady Gaga Elle Subscribers Only cover Jan. 2010.   Comes complete with flap-down eye shade.


Hat created by Frank Gehry.  Chandelier dress by Prada. The pink piano with blue butterflies was done up especially for Lady Gaga’s performance. It completes the fashion statement as well as the concert


Lady Gaga wore a jaunty pirate hat.  Ahoy Mate. for a recent  interview at Capital Radio. The dark glasses add a certain fashion statement and the whole look is sensational. Bet her performance was too.


The hat that almost knocked out Ellen DeGeneris  Seriously— the metal headpiece gave Ellen a serious bump on the head when Lady Gaga appeared on her talk show. But the hat rocks doesn’t it?
